For And fifty-one copies Set in book by Anik Vinay. |
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For And fifty-one copies Set in book by Anik Vinay. |
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Jean-Michel Alberola, Andrée Appercelle, Gérard Arseguel, François Aubral, Gérard Augustin, Hervé Bauer, François Boddaert, Jacques Brémond, Michel Butor, Jean-Pierre Chambon, Aimé Chaussy, Annie Cohen, Jean-Gabriel Cosculluela, Guy Darol, Jean-Pierre Depétris, Antoine Emaz, Astrid Florian, Antonio Gamoneda, Jean-Louis Giovannoni, Liliane Giraudon, Michaël Glück, Antoine Graziani, Jean-Paul Guibbert, Christian-Gabriel Guez-Ricord, Françoise Hàn, Claude Held, Isabelle Baladine Howald, Kamal Ibrahim, Alain Jean-André, Anne-Marie Jeanjean, Gil Jouanard, José Luis Jover, Charles Juliet, Alain Lance, Francine Laugier, André Lauro, Nicolas Lemarin, Yves Lemoine, Dominique Leroux-Sorrente, Théo Lesoualc'h, Eric Maclos, Henri Martraix, Joël-Claude Meffre, Roger Meyere, Bernar Mialet, Roger Munier, Bernard Noël, Jean-Pierre Ostende, Andréas Pagoulatos, Jean-Luc Parant, Serge Pey, Siegfried Plümper-Hüttenbrink, Guy Prévan, José Luis Reina-Palazon, Thérèse Renne-Touchet, Tita Reut, Jean-Claude Roure, Jean-Marc de Samie, Jean-Pierre Sintive, Emile-Bernard Souchière, Salah Stétié, Johannes Strugulla, arc Syren, Jean-Max Tixier, C.T. Tselly, Bernard Vargaftig, Serge Velay, Anik Vinay, Evelyne Wilhelm,
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A mythical hollow place, natural or «Sapokaya» nut. It is filled with written Ebs demiurges. Long narrow pages, rolled, unrolled, rolled up together to connect the pages into one form. The ensemble, including black engraved wood, is enhanced with blue, red, and gold and was designed and realized by Émile-Bernard Souchière. Texts by Gérard Augustin, Serge Pey, Michaël Glück, Kamal Ibrahim, Jacques Brémond, Laurent Maublanc. Work made on demand, numbered, signed. Format ± 20cm in three dimensions. 1991. Sheets +-50x10cm. The text of each author pre- sented separately in a folded sheet, format 15x50cm. |
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Thirteen and one wooden rings, linked, marked with thirteen texts, the title, the dedication, engraved, illuminated, set down on thirteen pages carrying thirteen marks, the letter sometimes revealed, slipped into a square base, stained and transparent.. ..this "place à priori" has been conceived and realized by Émile Bernard Souchière for Christian Gabriel /le Guez Ricord who added the marks and the words. Copies made on demand, numbered, signed, 1987. Base 20x20x1cm, rings (diameter) 7cm, pages 8x13cm. |
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Letters by Serge Velay. Format 37x11x15cm. |
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Seventeen of Nicolas Jaen's new letters, and Siefried Plümper Hüttenbrink's post- script. A print run of thirty three numbered, signed copies, on Nepal, black letterpress in Bodoni. 18 rolled up letters bound together. Creation by Anik Vinay. 2018. Size 20x20x15cm. |
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